(+234) 817-907-5059 (+234) 906-905-6235

Plot 1120,

Kaura District,

Kaura 900107, Abuja

07:30 - 19:00

Monday to Friday



The fellowship of Christian Students have undoubtedly blessed and transformed the lives of many over the years. Every life is important and special before God, it doesn’t matter the past mistake of any child there can still be a turning point and a change of story. We believe God has a good plan and a wonderful future for everyone. There are series of programmes channelled in the spiritual formation of the students and staff, from our two power packed Sunday services, to Bible studies every Friday, fasting and prayer, edifying programmes like, Revival weekend, Talent show, and concert etc.

As an institution we have a mandate to develop the God given potential of both Staff and Students to impact the world, aside the listed programmes above, we also give platform and train students to be skilled in musical instruments, dance, drama, singing and preaching. The opportunity to express other talents and gifts that will glorify God is widely accommodated.

As a Christian school we believe and practice the great commission (Matthew 28:19-20). Having a discipleship programme has greatly contributed to their Spiritual growth. Five to Eight students are assigned to a staff. We use the Bible, relevant and resourceful materials.

Pst. Solomon Ogidi

AIC Chaplain.