
Kuyet Keren Gaiya
Kuyet Keren Gaiya holds an MBA in Project Management from…
Adigun, Olusegun Lott
Consultant, Education Programmes
Mr. Adigun Olusegun Lott is a Retired Deputy Director of…
Caroline Yakubu (Mrs.)
Executive Secretary
Caroline Yakubu is an Educationist driven by a deep passion…
Comfort Bulus (Mrs)
Vice Principal, Administration
Her vision is to be driving force in showing the…
Helen Chinwe Okoye (Mrs.)
Mrs Okoye is a lover of children and when she…
Lydia Abaga (Mrs.)
Mrs Abaga graduated from the University of Jos with a…
Adekunle Bamigbala (Mr.)
Vice Principal, Academics
As Vice Principal, Academics, his responsibility involves coordinating the staff…